Thursday, July 24, 2008

setting the record straight

for quite a while I've been ambiguous about my particular views and opinions on certain individuals and opinions/views. Basically I'm letting it all out for the world to know.

here's the skinny:

- i am voting for Barack Obama because I cannot stand the corruption of America's health care and education system and i want our troops to get out of Iraq and to come home or go to places like Afghanistan where the fighting actually matters. I also think with clear boundaries and guidelines, we can successfully conduct embryotic stem cell research without destroying living embryo's or putting a demand on abortions and in turn possibly cure HIV/AIDS and other diseases.

- i am a political moderate who doesn't care for big government and has a moral stance against abortion, homosexual marriage, and meaningless war but at the same time i don't like like that the government screws over less fortunate Americans, disregards global climate change, and allows human trafficking to exist.

- i am tired of fellow believers and politicians trying to push a certain view on me that doesn't matter. I am an individual and I have a right to my own opinions/views.

- i am a strong egalitarian and do not have a single problem with women in church ministry, eldership, or the pastorate anywhere. period.

- i am tired of people treating certain individuals (Christian leaders, professors, etc) like they are the next best thing since sliced bread. These people are human and capable of fault just like anyone else. Just because they are advocating a particular view doesn't mean they have it all nailed.

- i do not agree with the likes of Pastor Mark Driscoll and think he has made some seriously offensive statements and remarks as well as expressed theological and social arrogance towards others that is uncalled for, anywhere at anytime to anyone. the same goes for people like Wayne Grudem, John Piper, and John MacArthur. They are great men of God but I do not agree with them fully on everything. You will not be able to "convert" me to the likes of these men, so if you are trying to do so, STOP!

- i do not have a problem with Emergent Village and support them completely. I do however have strong disagreements with Doug Pagitt and I think he is a universalist who is teaching false doctrine and a dangerous theology rooted in subjective postmodern relativism. However I think some of Doug's points about preaching, prayer, and community are worth consideration. I have some heavy disagreements with Brian McLaren and Tony Jones as well, but I do not think they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

- i do not agree completely with the theological positions of Rob Bell or Mars Hill Bible Church. However, Rob's teaching has significantly changed my life and my world view ever since the Summer of 2004 and I consider him a great influence in my life. I do not think that Mars Hill or Rob Bell teach heresy and believe they are theologically solid at their core.

- i do not have a problem with homosexual civil unions (to a degree) and think we must move to loving and caring for people regardless of their sexual orientation. however, i believe that all homosexual practices are sins clearly condemned by scripture and constitute the lust of the flesh. I will not allow homosexual practice to be placed on a higher level of a"sin chart" above other sexual sin. all sexual sins are sexual sins regardless and are equal in offense to God.

- i do not believe heaven and hell are physical places but rather spiritual realms which we as humans cannot fully comprehend outside our physical world. i believe heaven and hell, while both real and literal, are only described as physical places for our limited understanding.

- i believe we are called to love everyone unconditionally and that an aggressive, angry, hate filled gospel is not what Jesus came to establish. i believe Jesus taught grace, peace, and love. i believe the gospel to be the ultimate expression of God's love for the world.

- i enjoy watching romantic comedies that would fall into the category of "chick flick" but not all the time. i enjoy war movies and horror just as much.

- i am tired of fellow Christ follower's gossiping about other believers and passing it off as "rebuking sin."

- i have a strong passion to fight injustice and will not stand for injustice against minorities and those who are "different" in the church.

- i think that American Evangelicals in the last 10 years or so have done a terrible job at representing the true Christ and have created a gospel of political agendas, hatred, and exclusive "you're in, you're out" rights that is not equivalent to what Christ taught in the scriptures.

- i think that at their core, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church truly teach the gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ.

- i think speculating about end times eschatology in this current age is a ridiculous practice that gets people nowhere in their fellowship with Christ.

- i believe that God is mysterious and the we cannot know everything there is to know about God through theological systems, the scriptures, or even prayer. God keeps us thinking, dreaming, and desiring Him.

- i think George Bush and his administration has done both good and bad for our country during his presidency.

- i agree with both ray lubeck and dan christiansen even though they at different ends of the hermeneutical spectrum.

- i used to be a fan of boy bands like Nsync, BSB, and 98 degrees back when i was young.

- i wish i was thinner, taller, and had less hair.

there you have it.

grace and peace to you,