Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mere Christianity part III

So I know I am behind in my Mere Christianity blogs, and it just so happens that we are finished with the book! I was sick for a few days and missed 2 classes and did not complete one of my response. Next we begin The Screwtape Letters (SL), which I happen to be more excited for than MC. I will be blogging about SL as well. I hope to be more frequent with my SL blogging!

Nevertheless, instead of posting 2 separate blogs at once, I am compiling all of my remaining responses in this post.

this is from 02/05/09 in response to Lewis' stating that we must be reminded of our faith as Christians on a regular basis.

C.S Lewis says we as Christians must be reminded of what we believe on a regular basis and that that is the purpose of Christian discipline. I myself cannot agree more. It appears often that I struggle daily with the reason why reading the scripture and prayer is important. Often times I feel like I am performing a religious ritual, as if I am not loved enough by God. There are days that I may not feel adequate to call myself a Christian, but through my practice of disciplines such as prayer and studying the scripture, I am repeatedly convinced of the reasons why I am a Christian, not because my faith is week, but because my faith is being trained.

This is my response from 02/11/09. Lewis contends that God wants our full hearts. He wants to commune with us and He wants ALL of who we are.

Imagine a man who desires to begin a romantic relationship with a woman, but he does not wish to spend time with her and engage with her relationally. He does nice things, helps her out, buys her nice gifts, and says nice things about her, but never engages her about her feelings or desires. You wouldn’t think him very genuine companion would you? Yet, that is what we make our relationship with God out to be. We create religious rituals and do nice things but we never take the time to engage God or understand Him. God doesn’t want what we can create, He wants the creator. God wants our hearts, our true selves. He wants to commune with us.

I am excited and anxious to get into the Screwtape Letters and I hope you will consider keeping up with me on this literary journey!

grace and peace,