Monday, March 02, 2009

The Screwtape Letters I

So I am back at the blogging thing. We just got done with Multnomah's annual Global Missions Conference and so I haven't had class for a whole week! It was a much need break. Neverthess, classes have resumed and my first response to the Screwtape Letters is complete. My response is my own "Screwtape Letter" to a Multnomah student tempting him/her to cheat on exam. I named my demons Anaris and Lucius, two names that I think can be "cult-like."

My Dear Anaris,

I have am rather perturbed that your patient has dedicated himself to becoming a student of the Enemy’s book. This collection of mythical nonsense has proven itself to be the most hated means of charge against us. Do not be discouraged, for your patient is in prime location for you to hone one of our greatest techniques, his honesty. Since a student of The Enemy’s Book is expected to be an honest and trustworthy man, such an institution trusts his judgments and leaves him freedom to make his own moral decisions concerning his education. This works brilliantly when he is stricken with academic responsibilities. As long as you keep his mind focused on his academic achievement aside from his own integrity, you can persuade him to violate his moral conscience in exchange for a more self satisfying achievement of his own. This is what mortals call cheating. As you persuade him to put his Christian duties aside, he substitutes his moral will for the betterment of himself, giving in to his own selfish desires, which is a field of which we are experts. Keep him focused on his own egotistical accomplishments and you have captured him!

Your Affectionate Uncle,


grace and peace,

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